Don't Get into Hot Water this Summer!
With more than 38 years of experience cooling commercial swimming pools, Living Waters Aeration is dedicated to cooling your swimming pool water. We pride ourselves on a great product and quick deliveries. We are not a big distributor with thousands of pool supplies. We only sell swimming pool aerators. Our customers are country clubs, YMCAs, waterparks, municipal pools and swim clubs. If you have hot pool water, please check out our website and then call us for your free quote.
More than ever before, people are looking for ways to cool off. Usually they head to their local swimming pool. But pool water can heat up in the summer time. It can heat up so much that it is uncomfortable to swim. Global warming continues to bring extreme heat waves. As the United States warms another 4 to 11°F on average over the next century, we will have more extremely hot summer days. Every part of the country will be affected.
The Watercannon solves the problem of hot swimming pool water in the summer time. It uses the natural process of aeration found in ocean waves, river rapids, and waterfalls to cool your pool. It replenishes necessary fresh oxygen supply into your pool water, reducing hot water temperatures to more refreshing levels. This safe, healthy process is an enjoyable way to control water temperatures, especially during the hot summer season.
You will find the Watercannon portable aeration system simple to use. Running it 8-12 hours a night will guarantee an acceptable reduction in water temperature. Many pools also run it during the day and during parties as a water feature. It comes complete and sets up in minutes. Lead time is usually 1-2 days and both the Watercannon 1.5 and the Watercannon 3.0 ship via UPS ground.